Relocation & Integration
This customized Relocation Training program covers all aspects of living and working in your destination country. Our intercultural relocation training courses are designed to minimize the risk of this occurring by properly equipping people with the cross cultural tools that will help them settle into their new lives abroad.
Research has shown that the inability to adapt to the host culture is amongst the most cited reasons for relocation failure.
It is geared toward the needs of families and individuals and will facilitate their adjustment to living and working in their new environment. The challenges are often as great upon return home as during the stay abroad. It is critical for returnees to have an opportunity to assess the value of their experience in personal and professional terms and to share strategies on how to effect a smooth re-entry into their home culture. Also the families need support and assistance with the adaptation process. Providing the necessary intercultural and language training as part of an international relocation support will substantially help your relocating employee to communicate and integrate effectively in their new location.
Course Content
Our Relocation Training focuses on cultural adjustment issues in the local context as well as practical issues related to everyday life in the target culture. We will give you an accurate portrayal of the possible lifestyles in your target destination as well as guidelines and tools on how to adapt and deal with the cultural differences. This training will also help them avoid misunderstandings based on cultural differences, which is critical to their success in the workplace and at home. Learning about the new environment will speed their transition and ease any concerns associated with unfamiliar surroundings.
Relocation Training includes:
- An introduction to the country and its history, politics and culture.
- An understanding of the target culture’s values, customs and etiquette and their possible impact on work and social life.
- Tips on preparing to work with new colleagues from different nationalities.
- An accurate portrayal of the possible lifestyle in the target destination.
- Understanding culture shock and how to deal with unease effectively
- Guidelines and tools on how to adapt and deal with cultural differences.
- Special training for children and spouses
- Language training prior to relocation.
Benefits of Relocation Training
The most important issue is to increase awareness of a new country or culture, how living and working there might throw up some challenges and how to remain adaptable and open to difference and change. All our training solutions are designed according to who we are training, why and where they are moving to. Some participants need assistance with the new work culture, some prefer help with how to overcome mental challenges, others simply need help orientating themselves around a city – no matter what the need, we have the answers ready.
Course Details
For many professionals, relocating to another country can cause their productivity to suffer due to the mental, emotional and physical effects of culture shock. This can cause frustration, disorientation and overall unhappiness to the employee and their family as well as cause their employer to potentially lose a valuable employee. Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. These signs are the thousand and one ways in which we orient ourselves to the situations of daily life: when to shake hands and what to say when we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to give orders to servants, how to make purchases, when to accept and when to refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not…

These cues, which may be words, gestures, facial expressions, customs, or norms are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept. All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues, most of which are unconsciously learned.
When an individual enters a strange culture, all or most of these familiar cues are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or full of good will he may be, a series of props have been knocked from under him. This is followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety. People react to the frustration in much the same way. First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort: “the ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad.” Don’t let these down feelings get the best of you and ruin what could be an otherwise life-changing experience. There are some ways to deal with culture shock before and after it happens.
An appreciation of how different cultures do business reduces time wasting caused by misunderstandings and ensures your business is making the most of every employee’s talent.
Our Methods
In our long teaching praxis we recognise that each person prefers different learning styles and techniques. It is why we use a variety different teaching methods to get the same message across and make sure that no one is left out or falls behind. It is our way of making sure that all participants engage with all of the subject content, especially the key concepts and learning points. Our trainings consist of different sessions combining short lectures and practical exercises and involves a great deal of interaction. Simulations and team exercises aim to not only identify, but to fully understand the key differences in cultural behaviour.
In combining cognitive (didactic) and participatory (experiential) learning our relocation course program seeks to introduce to the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to live and work successfully in multicultural context.
Our methods chosen by cognitive, affective und creative dimensions of learning here.
Our Intercultural Approach
Intercultural Relocation Training should already begin while still in one’s home country and should continue in the destination country. Please enquire with us to learn how we can customize the optimal Relocation Training for you. The programs can be delivered in a variety of languages and can be held at a company location, the participant’s home or a location provided by the trainer. Individual, group or family options available. Training can be offered on a one-to-one basis, presented to a group (e.g. for group moves), or even online if preferred. The personal programmes can be tailored to the professional and personal needs of the employee and family (programmes can include children in some locations).
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