Dr Anna Storck
Courage to make mistakes
Anna has expertise on topics which include intercultural communications, learning styles, and developing training programs for adult learners. She works as an educator, intercultural trainer and coach and delivers high impact training/lectures focused on interactive learning activities, which produces sustainable results and exceeds learners’ expectations. She has had a 20 year career in the field of diversity and intercultural communication: as a scholar, educator, and practitioner. Over the past decade, she has extended her research domain to issues of integral and cosmopolitan communication, carrying out a series of original studies investigating various psychological, situational, and macro-environmental factors influencing communication behaviors of individuals when they encounter culturally dissimilar others. Her qualitative study took a global perspective to the issues involved both in international business, public organizations and ethnic communities investigating a number of case studies in relation to cosmopolitan communication. She writes an inspirational blog for women Femina Magna and is Co-author of the Book: Intercultural Trainer Manual wrote in cooperation mit the RKW Berlin.
Anna is passionate about learning and self-development. She loves to read and follow recent neuroscience and development psychology and applied it to her work with people.
- PhD in Political Science, Otto Suhr Institute of Free University of Berlin, Germany
- MA in Cultural Education, Pedagogical Institute of Jagiellonen University of Cracow, Poland
- MA in European Culture and Politics of the University of Bath, UK.
- Trainer for Applied Communication Techniques and Change Models, kikidan media Berlin
- Psychological Management Trainer, German Paracelsus School Berlin
- Systemic Coach (ECA, SySt®,), Metaforum International
- Train the Trainer Course, Spectrum Berlin
- Intercultural Coach, Intercultural Academy, Cartus Intercultural & Language Solutions
- Existential Well-Being Counselling | University of Leuven
- Certificate in Designing and Facilitating E-Learning | Open Polytechnic Auckland
- He Papa Tikanga – Certificate in Tikanga Maori | Te Wananga o Aotearoa
- (2001) Die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen heute: die öffentliche Meinung, Wolf-Dieter Eberwein, Basil Kerski, eds (2001). Die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen 1949-2000. Eine Interessen und Wertegemeinschaft? Opladen: Leske+Budrich, 179-202.
- (2008) Politische Parteien Polens nach 1989: Zusammenhang zwischen den cleavage-Positionen und den EU-Positionen der polnischen Parteien in den Parlamentswahlen 1997 und 2001. Düsseldorf: Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008.
- (2010) Interkulturelle Kompetenzen für Polen in iCulT – Train the Intercultural Trainer
Berlin: RKW Berlin, 5-75. - (2013) Train the Trainer. Interkulturelle Kompetenzen. Trainer Manual for Polen iBook available in iTunes Store.
- (1997) European Cultural Identity. University of Bath, Newsletter, October 1997.
- (1997) What Sort of Germany in What Sort of Europe: Several Remarks on German Identity in the Context of European Integration, University of Bath, Newsletter, 11/1997.
- (1997) The Development of the Nationalist Idea in Poland in University of Bath, Newsletter 12/ 1997.
- (1991) Widerspiegelung der neuen Lage Deutschlands und Polens im Vertrag über gute Nachbarschaft und freundschaftliche Zusammenarbeit vom 17. Juni 1991 Dissertation, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. 07/1998. Unpublished. [Available as a PDF].
- (1998) Polens Weg in die Europäische Union unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der wirtschaftlichen Kriterien, Diploma thesis, FU Berlin, 09/1998. Unpublished [Available as a PDF].
- (2003) Die Polen in Deutschland: Manfred Sapper, Volker Weichsel, Margrit Breuer eds, Osteuropa 9-10/2003, Lindau, 963-983.
- (2004) Cleavage-Strukturen und die Standpunkte der polnischen Parteien zum EU-Beitritt: Neues Europa? – Osteuropa 15 Jahre danach. Beiträge für die 12. Brühler Tagung junger Osteuropa-Experten, Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Brühl, 60(04/2004), 108-114.
- (2005) The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe (TCE). The critical perspective. Disputation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Political Science (Dr. rer. pol.), Berlin, 25.08.2005. Unpublished. [Available as a PDF].
- (2007) Zrozumieć Niemca (translation from Polish: Understanding Germans), Gazeta Lubuska, Zielona Gora, 20.09.2007,11.
- (2007) Budowanie relacji lojalnościowych z klientem zagranicznym (translation from Polish: Building a loyalty relationship with a foreign customer), Manager Magazin, 04(2007), 14-15.
- (2008) Savoir Vivre i etykieta w biznesie międzynarodowym (translation from Polish: Savoir vivre and etiquette in international business), Manager Magazin, 01(2008), 10-12.
- (2013) Różnice międzykulturowe w biznesie (translatiion from Polish: Cross cultural diferencies in buisness), Personel Zarzadzania, 14.10.2013.
- (2014) Wielokulturowość jak to ogarnąć? (translatiion from Polish: Muliticulturalism. How to deal with it? article in Personel Plus Magazine, 01/2014, 18-19.
- (2014) Co oznacza Yes w Indiach (translation from Polish: What does „yes“ really mean in India?)
article in Plus Biznesu Magazine, 01/2014,15-16. - (2015) Wielokulturowość jak to ogarnac? (translatiion from Polish: Muliticulturalism. How to deal with it? Article, http://www.kadry.abc.com.pl/czytaj/-/artykul/wielokulturowosc–jak-to-ogarnac, 10.07.2015.
Conference papers & presentations:
- (2002) Vorurteile als politische Barrieren der deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen? presentation at the annual conference of German Association for East European Studies (DGO), Göttingen, Germany, 7-8.03.2002.
- (2005) Polnische Parteien und die EU presentation at the VII World Congress of International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES) Berlin, Germany, 25-30.07.2005.
- (2011) Cross cultural communication seen as a part of integral communication presentation at SIETAR Europa Congress: Interculturalism Ahead: Transition to a Virtual World? Krakow, Poland, 21-25.09.2011.
- (2011) Proces tworzenia misji w przedsiebiorstwach. Narzedzia itrendy (translation from Polish: Developing a mission statment in companies. Tools and trends) at 49 World Conference of International Federation of Training and Development Organisation (IFTDO): HR Across the Globe, Warszawa, Poland, 8-11.05.2011.
- (2012) Lehren und Lernen für die Zukunft. Ergebnisse und Nutzung neuerer Gehirnforschung für Trainer, presentation at SIETAR Forum 2012-38: Global Integral Competence: Mind, Brain, Culture and System, Berlin, Germany, 27-29.09.2012.
- (2012) Prawda, piekno, dobro w komunikacji integralnej (translation from Polish: Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Integral Communication) at V National Convention of Integral Development SPIN12: Komunikacj 6D, Gdansk, Poland, 24-25.11.2012.
- (2013) Czy moge zmienic swoje zycie? W poszukiwaniu integralnych odpowiedzi (translation from Polish: Can i change my life? Looking for the integral answers) at the VI National Convention of Integral Development SPIN13: Innovative Me. How To Be An Architect Of Own Fortune? Gdansk, 11-13.11.2013, https://vimeo.com/89182972
- (2013) Integral Competence for the Future presentation at the annual meeting of SIETAR Niederlande, Utrech, Netherlands, 15.07.2013.
- (2014) Integral education for the future presentation at 1st European Integral Conference
1st Integral European Conference: The Emergence of Integral Consciousness in Europe, Budapest, Hungary, 8-11.05.2014. - (2014) Wielokulturowośc w polskiej rzeczywistości (translation from Polish: Multikulturalism in the Polish Reality), keynote presentation at HR Summit Warszawa, Poland, 30.09.2014 .
(2014) Competence for the Global Wealth presentation at the Fair-venture Congress: Empowerment – Natürlich Leben und Lernen, Berlin, Germany 02-04.05.2014. - (2015) Integral Education for Peace presentation at the 2nd Forum of Institute for Global Integral Competence: Discovering Cosmopolitan Communication, Munich, Germany, 17-20.09.2015.
- (2016) EPICNZ Conference presentation about Talk to Me. The Youth for Peace Intercultural Movement, Auckland, New Zealand, 30 August 2016.