Our Methods
Our Methods: Diverse and Interactive
Our trainings consist of different sessions combining short lectures and practical exercises and involves a great deal of interaction. Simulations and team exercises aim to not only identify, but to fully understand the key differences in cultural behaviour. During the training, members of different cultures automatically start explaining their own cultural pre-programming to others thereby creating a deep learning experience for all participants. And the positive energy which evolves is truly amazing!
Summary of Our Methods
In combining cognitive (didactic) and participatory (experiential) learning our relocation course program seeks to introduce to the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to live and work successfully in multicultural context. Here the methods chosen by these dimensions of learning:
COGNITIVE DIMENSION – Theoretical short lectures and multimedia presentations, individual work, work with video and audio.
AFFECTIVE DIMENSION – Learning by experience, cultural tests, deferred evaluation methods, professional self-reflection exercises, exercises to change the perspective, moderated discussions, modelling, methods of active listening and non-violent communication (NVC).
PERFORMANCE ORIENTED DIMENSION – Case study analysis and critical incident techniques, culture contrast study, culture assimilator, interactive intercultural games, playing roles with elements of psychodrama, working with film and video analysis, simulation games and role play.
CREATIVE METHODS – World Cafe, Open-Space, Meta-plan, Brainstorming, Mind-mapping, deBono Huts, Disney’s Method, Analog-graffiti…
The training are also woven into energising and relaxing exercises.